Your skin and minding it

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You skin and minding it

What is your skin? 

Our skin is a barrier that protects us from harmful things in our environment such as the cold, sun rays, bacteria and other toxic substances. While internal or inside our bodies it maintain homeostasis or balance and protects from water loss.

Fluid Intake

To maintain homeostasis we need fluids. That’s why it is so important to have an adequate fluid intake of at least 2 litres a day to help maintain balance. Of course this can be difficult, depending on the availability of water, don’t forget you can always bring your re-useable water bottle and top up when it’s empty, instead of buying the bottles of water in the shop. This is doing your bit for the environment too. Then there is issue of more trips needed to the bathroom. Over time your bladder will get used to the extra volume of water and this will be less of a deterrent. Water is needed to flush toxins out of the body and a positive result of this will be healthy looking radiant skin. So start with small amounts, leave a glass within reach and keep topping up regularly, before you know it you will have drank 2 litres in the day.

Skin Care

It is so important to maintain a well hydrated skin from not only the inside of your bodies but from the outside too. A daily moisturising routine is a must. UV rays from the sun combined with seasonal changes can cause damage to our skin. Moisturising your skin reduces the risk of dry skin and breaks. Along with moisturising cream, we must prevent damage from the sun. Safe sun care is a must. Things like using a face cream with a high SPF, staying out of the sun between 12 midday and 3 o’clock when it’s at it strongest especially in the summer time, using a high factor sun cream and covering up with hats and clothes if you are out in the sun all reduces the risk of damage to the skin.

Depending on your skin type people use different cream, lotions and ointments. Skin can be dry, oily, normal or sensitive. So it can be a trial and error process in finding the right product that will keep your skin looking healthy and radiant.

Apart for moisturising, make sure you dry your skin properly after hand washing or a shower. Dry in between skin folds and your fingers or toes while monitoring for any signs of dryness or breaks. Pay particularly attention to these areas and monitor them daily. Should you get a cut or break to your skin, infection can become an issue.

Signs of infection 

A break in the natural barrier i.e. the skin allows for bacteria and germs to enter the body. For most people the infection can stay localised to the area affected and be treated at home, however for others it can result in issues like cellulitis, abscesses or wounds.  

Medical advice should be sought is you have:

– Pain and tenderness in the affected area

– Redness and heat in the area

– Tight, inflamed skin

– Abscess with discharge

– High temperature or fever

Early intervention reduces complications and allows for treatment to start. If you do have a cut, clean it immediately with antiseptic wash, apply antiseptic cream and cover with a plaster. Monitor for any changes such as above and get in touch with your GP or medical health provider if you have any concerns.

Other conditions and skin care

For people who have issues like swollen legs, fluid retention or lymphoedema, skin care is so vital. This cohort of people are at an increased risk of skin complications and need to speak to their Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) therapist about their daily skin care needs and reducing their risk of developing any issues. Other areas of care for people who have swelling are exercise, MLD and compression.  Should you have any questions about skin care, compression garments, treatment or have any concerns about fluid retention or lymphoedema please do contact Wellbeing Techniques.

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Contact Info

You can contact me the following ways...

Wellbeing Techniques, Allied Hub, Whitemill Industrial Estate, Wexford, Y35 XR22

087 7510761

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