Manual Lymph Drainage is a delicate, natural treatment which works on the lymph system. It is based on light, rhythmic and constant movements, only touching the skin, with an almost non-perceptible pressure. Being so fine, the patient may perceive it as useless, but after two-three sessions, its benefits can be seen. A lymph massage session lasts at least for one hour.
Unlike the blood, the lymph is not pumped by the heart, moving slowly due to stimulation from the muscles’ contractions. The lymph is a whitish liquid flowing throughout our body inside lymph vessels, collecting wastes and toxins that cannot be absorbed through the blood capillary vessels. In certain points, called nodes, lymph is cleaned. Nodes are found in the groin, underarm and neck, in the vein angle formed by the jugular and subclavicular veins, the main point of draining for our body toxins and liquids.
These are health benefits of the lymph massage:
1. Against cellulite. It works best in earlier stages, even if it is effective in every moment. The ideal case is to be started during the teenage. Cellulite appears when the fat deposits in our feet compress the lymph vessels, turning difficult the lymph flow. If the intervention is not rapid, the tissue fills with liquids and toxins and the fat deposits tend to turn harder, producing the “orange skin”.
When the cellulite is on its incipient stages, it is easy to activate the flow of the accumulated wastes and solve definitively the issue. Normally, just three months (for example February, March and April) are enough to get satisfactory results.
2. Swollen, heavy and oedematous feet. Lymph flows from the periphery of the limbs to their centre. When for no matter which reason this path is interrupted, the lymph falls back due to the action of the gravity flooding the feet tissues and causing swelling. The lymph drainage helps lymph to complete its route and it is the choice treatment. In 3-4 weeks, the problem is improved. If it’s chronic, the doctor will point the ideal frequency of the massage.
3. Pregnancy and PMS syndrome. The drainage is very effective in both cases, but as a preventive method. The hormonal changes during pregnancy determine liquid retention and a decrease in the tonus of the vein and lymph vessels. The drainage can be started beginning with the third pregnancy month and made till the delivery. It is also effective against the swelling experienced by many women a few days before the menstruation. In this case, the massage is made immediately after the end of the cycle for a week.
4. Scars. If during the scarring process of a wound interstitial liquid accumulates forming an oedema, a hypertrophic (keloid, swollen) scar forms. The lymph draining has a “planning” effect on the scar, even in older ones, because it activates the lymphocytes, involved in reconstructing the tissue.
5. Acne and Couperosis. In acne, the skin is inflamed, accompanied generally by liquid retained amongst the skin cells. The depurative and draining effect of this technique decreases gradually the inflammation and the oedemas, favouring a more rapid cure.
Couperosis is due to an alteration of the peripheral circulation of the face, especially on cheeks, nose, and chin. In time, the reddening turns permanent, accompanied by the inesthetic “veinlets”. If the condition is in the initial phase, the lymph drainage can fix it, but if it’s on an advanced stage, it just improves the look attenuating the skin symptoms. 15 sessions can check the skin’s reaction to this treatment, when even total cure can be achieved.
6. Surgery. Lymph drainage is effective for getting rid of oedemas and hematomas and boosting tissue regeneration following a surgery. But it is good not only after the operation; if made a month before the operation, it favors the elimination of the liquids and toxins from the body, spurring cells’ ability to regenerate and repair tissues.