Posts in the ‘Lipoedema’ Category

Self Care

Self Care & Lymph Drainage

Love is in the air – love yourself by taking time out Self care is so important. Our bodies needs rebooting from time to time. Lymph drainage is a natural treatment and helps with many health issues. Lymph System The lymphatic system is the cleansing competent of our bodies and plays a vital role in

Something to think about

Food for thought-letting go of things

The Fat Disease

Can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try.

This is a personal account about Lipoedema, how & why it presents and the treatment for it. This could be the reason you can’t lose the weight – No matter what you do. It’s one thing to complain that losing weight feels impossible, but it’s another altogether when it actually is. Here, we investigate a

Lipodema awareness

June- Lipoedema awareness month

June is Lipedema Awareness Month! Lipedema is a painful fat condition which presents as disproportionate fat accumulations in the hips, thighs and lower legs. Typically the lower body is larger than the upper body. Weight loss from the lower body is hard to achieve and the fat is not affected by exercise or diet.Other noticeable

Lipoedema- The Fat Disease


Lipedema / Lipoedema / Lipödem Definition Lipedema (painful fat syndrome) is a chronic disease that occurs mostly in females. It is characterized by bilateral, symmetrical fatty tissue excess, mainly in the hip region, upper and lower leg areas and combined with a tendency for leg swelling that worsens with standing. In male patients lipedema is extremely

Lipoedema The Fat Disease

Lipoedema- The Fat Disease

What is lipoedema? Lipoedema was first identified in 1940, lipoedema has been a poorly understood, frequently misdiagnosed and rarely recognised condition, as it is rarely taught to medical students or GPs. Lipoedema is a chronic, genetic fat disorder that, it seems, often affects more than one family member. It appears to be linked to the

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Wellbeing Techniques, Allied Hub, Whitemill Industrial Estate, Wexford, Y35 XR22

087 7510761

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