Cancer Week Ireland

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25th Sept -1st OCtober 2017 Cancer Week

Cancer week Ireland starts on Monday the 25th September find out about the many difference events that are planned for the week.

Including Living Well With Cancer: The National Conference for Cancer Survivorship 2017

Living with Secondary Cancer – What Happens Now That It’s Back?

A Conversation About Cancer Rehabilitation

This week aims to raise awareness of cancer signs and symptoms, how to mange if you have cancer or are a cancer survivor while highlighting the many treatment options.

All aspects of cancer are difficult from being a cancer patient receiving cancer treatment, on a cancer journey through to cancer survivorship or living with secondary cancer and for healthcare professionals who work in this field of care.

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Contact Info

You can contact me the following ways...

Wellbeing Techniques, Allied Hub, Whitemill Industrial Estate, Wexford, Y35 XR22

087 7510761

Website by Diskin Design
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